Avatar Movie

movie : Avatar
directed : James Cameron
release date : december 10. 2009

hahaha,, today we are going to e-theater cinema or Multimedia University I-Max. our dean show us avatar movie that directed by James Cameron.

avatar movie is a story about life in the future where human stay in the spaceship. they wanted something that they need but the thing is keep beneath the tree of life where an alien or avatar itself stay on avatar movie, there are 3 parts where it label as plot. first it is time before human being avatar. second it is human being avatar and third is human after being avatar. in the movie, we can see in human real life, the environment is looks like normal, but in avatar world, wow,, so beautiful and colourful. this is the different between human and avatar life.

different between human life and avatar life

Second Life & Avatar

class begin and time to wake up..

today our lecturers show us about Second Life where our assignment 2 weeks later that we did. second life?? what is it? it is life after death? =_=. wow.. feel scared. actually Second life is life in another environment like in game or chatting, we do not use our body but we use an avatar to navigate ourself.

second life is a virtual life that be made by Linden Lab and being on market June 2003. our dean show us who make the second life and what our avatar can do in the second life.

in second life, we can make something unatural like fly, use force as in Star Wars movie and many more. this make us to feel new experience that we never do before.


today our lecturers show us about the popular animation company where have do many animation movie. the company which do this is called PIXAR.

pixar, i think most of the people in the world know this name. when we think about Mr. Incredibles, Wall E, Finding Nemo or any animation thing, automatically we can see pixar in our head.
pixar animation have make history by year 1979 as Graphic Group and changes its name to Pixar in 1986. Pixar Animation is found by three men which is Ed Catmull, Alvy Ray Smith and Steve Jobs. Pixar is doing many cool things and who watch its work will feel the different experience.

Mr. Incredibles

Finding Nemo

Wall E

this three movie are popular movie that have been created by pixar. many people watch it and give a good comment about it. same as me.

i think if pixar make another animation movie, i will watch it because it give me new experience and cool things to see.

Second Life 5 - Shopping

this is the place that we can spent our money. this is the shopping complex. the picture show now i am in a clothes shop. many of them are women clothes. many shopping complex are build in this place.
this place is really wonderful. full of colour and light. as you can see, there are many picture and graphics. the people who do this place is really creative.

Second LIfe 4 - Malaysia

yeah!! at last, i been in my own country, Malaysia. a peaceful country. in the second life, Malaysia looks a very high tech country. there are building that full of led light. there are also sea and Penang bridge. actually i from penang so i shocked when i see it. as you can see, many light in the Malaysia in the second life. there disco or pub float on the air. it is so cool. t think i want to go there. perhaps. if u have been to Bukit Bendera in Penang, the bottom picture is exactly same with it. a cabel car connect up to mountain. i hope one day Malaysia can be like this someday.

Second Life 3 - Blue Galaxy

this time i bring u into fantasy world. it is Blue Galaxy, the place is like a kind of avatar places. it is full of big tree, vine and the sky is so big.

there are also a satellite that penetrate to the sky. it looks like ancient language. this place is like a nature place.

Second Life 2 - Straylight

Hai there, now i am in Straylight. it is place of Botanical, Landscaping Garden and Environmental Design Center. it is small but have a lot of tree. like we are in forest. in this place the are element like fire, light and earth. the fire element in this place is lava volcano.

this picture show the light element. it is a kind of scene in heaven ( like i have been there before, hehe ). it is calm and smooth place. the weather there like a dawn time.

this picture show the element of water. i go into the water to feel the water. it is cool. the surface of the water gives out smoke, this show the soil is burn by the lava volcano.